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Revision as of 19:15, 27 May 2024 by Pistolshrimp (talk | contribs)
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Hollow Stump icon.png This article is a stub. You can help by editing or posting missing info on #wiki in Discord.

Blood (health): unknown
Butchering item(s): unknown (use 'none' if no chance for pickup items)
Rare butchering item(s): unknown (use 'none' if no chance for rare items)
NOTE: Quantities may be affected by your animal's size and productivity.
Blood (health): unknown
Item(s) gained:
Rare butchering item(s): unknown (use 'none' if no chance for rare items)
NOTE: Quantities may be affected by your animal's size and productivity.
Blood (health): unknown
Item(s) gained:
Rare butchering item(s): unknown (use 'none' if no chance for rare items)


Horse icon.png Horses are Mount Creatures.


Mounts are Creatures which can be ridden to significantly increase your Movement speed. To ride a Mount, right-click it and select "Ride 'em Cowboy!!". To dismount, ctrl-click the ground. Mounts cannot be attacked, killed, or Butchered, nor can you attack or use Lift icon.png Lift from a Mount. Damage taken while mounted will dismount the rider.