Hollow Log

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Revision as of 19:46, 26 May 2024 by Pistolshrimp (talk | contribs)
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Hollow Log icon.png Hollow Log
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1x4
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Yes
Repaired with: Can't be Repaired
Required by:
Required by:


Hollow Log icon.png Hollow Logs are found abundantly in the wild but can be created by Chopping down an Eagle Tree icon.png Eagle Tree or Hangman Tree icon.png Hangman Tree. With Any Axe icon.png Any Axe equipped, right-clicking a Hollow Log and selecting "Chop" will produce 20x Woodblock icon.png Woodblocks or Knotted Wood Block icon.png Knotted Wood Blocks. A Hollow Log is a Natural Container with 8 slots.

Item Spawning

As long as there is at least one empty space, each time a Hollow Stump is loaded from server there is a chance for one of these items to randomly spawn inside.

Item Rarity
Beetle icon.png Beetle Common
Abandoned Cobweb icon.png Abandoned Cobweb Common
Dried Timber Rattler Skin icon.png Dried Timber Rattler Skin Common
Earthworm Python icon.png Earthworm Python Uncommon
Grub icon.png Grub Common
Indian Arrowhead icon.png Indian Arrowhead Common
Indian Feather icon.png Indian Feather Uncommon
Lavender Blewit icon.png Lavender Blewit Common
Lobster Mushroom icon.png Lobster Mushroom Common
Moss icon.png Moss Uncommon
Porcupine Spines icon.png Porcupine Spines Rare
Rotten Log icon.png Rotten Log Common
Rusty Coin icon.png Rusty Coin Common
5x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces Uncommon
Smooth Stone icon.png Smooth Stone Common
Stone icon.png Stone Common
Stray Chestnut icon.png Stray Chestnut Common
Sugar Caps icon.png Sugar Caps Common
Waxing Toadstool icon.png Waxing Toadstool Common
Whispering Snake Skull icon.png Whispering Snake Skull Very Rare
Witch's Hat icon.png Witch's Hat Common
Worm icon.png Worm Common
Yellow Morel icon.png Yellow Morel Common

Natural Containers

Natural Containers are structures generally created by nature. They are may be used in a pinch for storage but typically spawn items of their own.

Container Spaces Moveable?
Hollow Log icon.png Hollow Log 8 Lift icon.png Lift
Hollow Stump icon.png Hollow Stump 6 No
Myrtle oak tree icon.png Myrtle Oak Tree 4 Dig icon.png Dig