Gardener's Pot

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Revision as of 23:12, 27 November 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Gardener's Pot icon.png Gardener's Pot
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1 x 1
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Yes
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by: None


An Unburnt Gardener's Pot icon.png Unburnt Gardener's Pot must be fired in a Lit Kiln icon.png Kiln for about 20 minutes to produce a Gardener's Pot icon.png Gardener's Pot. Clicking on the fully fired Gardener's Pot icon.png Gardener's Pot to remove it from the Kiln, will cause you to automatically Lift it.

An Unknown Item icon.png [[Template:Unburnt Gardener's Pot|Template:Unburnt Gardener's Pot]] is obtained from the Store bought Gardener's Pack icon.png Gardener's Pack.

Looks and acts just like an ordinary Gardening Pot, but is a lovely green color, and plants planted in it grow faster than usual, reducing grow time by 12 hours. With all the gardening skills this reduces the grow time to around 24 hours.

See Potable for what can be planted in these. Planting things in your Gardening Pots lowers your Insanity.

  • Uses 1 humus to fill.
  • Uses 1.0 liter of water to fill.


Stages of a Garden Pot