Thorn Bush

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Revision as of 13:26, 31 May 2015 by Kralith (talk | contribs) (Add Briar Root)
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Thorn Bush icon.png Thorn Bush
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required: None
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Conditionally
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by:

Found abundantly in Badlands, Coniferous, Woodland, Crag, and on Mountaintops. A player may harvest up to 10 items from the bush. Thorn bushes can carry Thorns, Serrated Grimthorns, and rarely, Those Rarefied Thornbush Flowers.

The skill Flowers & Berries allows you to dig up a Thorn Bush and carry it elsewhere to plant, but you will take major Blood damage while holding it.

The skill Shrub Orchards allows you to plant one of Those Rarefied Thornbush Flowers in a pot to grow a Thornbush which can be safely carried so long as it is in the pot.

If you destroy a Thornbush, then you get a Briar Root.